I’m in the midst of finishing the first draft of my second novel, Project Green, at the moment. It is a cautionary tale, of temptation and horror set in Florida. Interestingly, I first intended for Project Green to be a short story but it has since ballooned out to novella/ novel length, as sometimes these things are liable to do. I’m pleased so far with how it is turning out, and admit to feeling some sense of exhilaration now that I’m beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Writing is hard! – but as a yet to be published author, I’ve learnt to appreciate the process of writing this particular novel as both an exercise in perseverance, and as an opportunity to improve my craft. Like a lot of authors my writing takes place in the little snatches of time around a full time job, fitting-in with family, and other commitments. My routine usually looks like 3 to 4 hour blocks of time on a weekend. I enjoy writing in the morning when it is still cool, quiet, with a coffee in hand – and my dogs, Otis and Marvin, will often join me on their mats in the study while I write. It’s early days yet, and there is still the editing process to go but I look forward to sharing more updates on this and other projects with you soon.